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Check out the latest trends in our Sunglasses for Women collection
Inspired by a galaxy far, far away…. In celebration of the newest Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses collection, let’s explore a little bit about these iconic characters, from Jedi™️ to Sith™️ and everyone in between.
Introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars™️, Ahsoka Tano started out as the Padawan™️ of Jedi Anakin Skywalker™️ and would grow to become one of the most revered and influential Force users in the galaxy and a hero of the Clone Wars. Alongside Anakin, she grew from a headstrong student into a mature leader with a different destiny. Her dedication to the light side and inspired the pearl white frames of the new Ahsoka Tano 2.0 Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
Intelligent, fiery and beautiful, Padmé Amidala began in the saga as the young Queen of Naboo™️ and would go on to become a revered senator of Naboo, fighting tirelessly for the Republic and for the rights of the oppressed across the galaxy. Not only a fierce protector of liberty, she was also the secret wife to Anakin Skywalker™️ and mother to heroic twins, Luke and Leia. Her enchanting fashion and ethereal strength inspired the Queen Amidala Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
Making her onscreen debut in The Mandalorian™️, Fennec Shand soon proved herself to be one of the toughest and most cunning bounty hunters in the galaxy. Working with top crime syndicates throughout the saga, she would eventually work alongside the famed Boba Fett™️ himself. Her elite armor and mechanics inspired the edgy Star Wars™️ | DIFF Fennec Shand sunglasses.
Bursting onto the Star Wars™️ scene as one of the cutest characters of all time, the youngling called Grogu made his saga debut in The Mandalorian™️, known for a long time as simply “The Child.” As a youngling, he managed to escape the attack on the Jedi Temple during Order 66, After reuniting with his adoptive father Din Djarin™️, they continue their travels in the galaxy. Grogu’s signature green coloring and sweet-but-sassy energy inspired the Star Wars™️ | DIFF Grogu sunglasses.
Suave, smart and symbolic of the best of the Jedi, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was an important figure in the galaxy. Master to doomed-by-destiny Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan was also a general in the Clone Wars and one of the last remaining Jedi to escape the Emperor’s Order 66 execution. He was not only among the last of the old Jedi of the Republic, but he bridged the galaxy toward its new hope, setting up Luke Skywalker™️ to defeat the Empire and help restore balance to the Force. Warm desert tones and a flight goggle aesthetic inspired the Obi-Wan Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses which are anything but uncivilized.
Cute and sassy, R2-D2 was an astromech droid who, as buddies with C-3PO™️, was present for most of the big events leading up to and after the fall of the Republic. Originally in service of Queen Amidala, R2-D2 would also work closely with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker before falling in with Princess Leia and, soon after, Luke Skywalker. R2-D2 and C-3PO are notable for making appearances in all nine Skywalker Saga Star Wars™️ films. The cool silver and blue tones of the fan-favorite cheeky droid inspired the Star Wars™️ | DIFF R2-D2 sunglasses.
Far more than a “big walking carpet” (distinctive fur coloring was the inspiration behind the Star Wars™️ | DIFF Chewbacca sunglasses), Chewbacca (affectionately called “Chewie”) was the companion of smuggler-turned-Rebel hero, Han Solo™️. And, of course, the legendary co-pilot of the famed Millennium Falcon™️, and a hero of the Rebellion in his own right.
A hero for the ages, Luke Skywalker grew up unaware of his heavy Force sensitive legacy until Obi-Wan Kenobi ushered him into his destiny. As a Rebel hero and soon-to-be Jedi, Luke eventually restored balance to the Force. Luke’s heroic X-wing™ flying and iconic Rebellion fighter energy, along with a nod to the ‘70s when the original trilogy was released, were the driving inspiration behind the Star Wars™️ | DIFF Luke Skywalker X-Wing Starfighter sunglasses.
From her iconic hairstyles to her witty retorts to her legendary leadership, Princess Leia was a galactic figure for the ages. Twin to Luke Skywalker and daughter of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, she would grow up to become one of the great leaders of the Rebellion. Her regality and sleek attitude inspired the Princess Leia Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
From a little boy who hated sand to the most iconic and feared galactic villain, Darth Vader struck an impressive - most impressive - figure. The eventual Sith identity of Chosen One Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader ruled the galaxy with an iron fist as second in command to the insidious Emperor Palpatine™️ until his son, Luke Skywalker, redeemed him in the very end, allowing Anakin to break free of his Vader persona and fulfill his prophecy. The retro Darth Vader Star Wars™️ | DIFF aviators pay homage to the era in which Vader debuted onscreen and his iconic black suit and strong presence.
Making his movie debut in a small role in Star Wars: The Empire Strike Back™️ the legend of the bounty hunter Boba Fett would grow and grow over the decades. Revealed to be the unaltered clone son of prequel-era bounty hunter Jango Fett™️, Boba would become a great bounty hunter and far more than a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy. Though he was temporarily digested by the Sarlacc™️ in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™️, he survived the ordeal and took over running the famed Tatooine(™) crime syndicate from the Hutts™️. His bounty hunter armor and cool style inspired the Boba Fett Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
Din Djarin™️ aka "The Mandalorian", entered the galactic story in The Mandalorian™️ as a lone bounty hunter navigating the galaxy following the fall of the Empire. A fateful job forces him to cross paths with the foundling Grogu, setting his future into motion as an adoptive father. The sleek nature of both his armor and his ship, the Razor Crest™️, inspired the cool style of The Mandalorian Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
Talkative and lovable protocol droid - and companion of R2- D2 - C-3PO was not only highly involved in galactic affairs but has a long and storied history with one of the galaxy’s most influential families, the Skywalkers. Built by a young Anakin Skywalker (who would grow up to be the fearsome Darth Vader), he would eventually serve alongside Anakin’s twins, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, and play a part in assisting the Rebellion. His iconic golden tones inspired the C-3PO Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
Instantly iconic in their crisp white armor, the Imperial stormtroopers served as the soldiers of the Empire. Their sleek armor has become a quintessential Star Wars™️ symbol and serves as the inspiration for the Stormtrooper Star Wars™️ | DIFF sunglasses.
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