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Let's get you into something nice
Check out the latest trends in our Sunglasses for Women collection
We believe that seeing well, looking good, and doing good can live hand-in-hand. We're committed to a world where everyone has access to the vision care they need.
It's because of YOU that we can reach this mission. That's why we've helped over 4.5 million people receive the gift of sight.
Khadija is 9 years old. She lives in Nigeria and had cataract surgery back in 2019. Before Khadijah’s surgery, she used to really struggle with her sight. After her surgery, Khadijah tells us: “I can now see properly, even when I’m outside. I will be able to write which I couldn’t do before. I will write properly in exercise books. I feel good now I can see my mum properly.” Since her surgery, she’s been able to see clearly, can read her school books and is enjoying school. She now tells us: “I want to be a doctor when I grow up.”
Through our partnership with Sightsavers, we are supporting the provision of eye surgeries, treatments, eye screenings and more.
Through our gift of sight partnerships including Sightsavers, over 4.5 million people have received the gift of sight, and since every DIFF purchase gives back, you've truly made a global impact.